Tag Archives: medical services

How Parents Can Be Prepared for a Pediatric Emergency

Little girl holding inhaler mask.Kids get sick or hurt all the time, and you never know when you’ll be faced with a pediatric emergency.  You need to be prepared in case you have to get your kids help quickly when they are hurt. Highland Park Emergency Room in Dallas have two convenient locations so parents can seek assistance for their kids right away. Knowing where to take your children in case of illness will allow you to save time when they actually get sick or hurt. This will get you on the road and in the right direction more quickly.  You should also have a few things ready in advance. This way, you will be able to get your kids the care they require more quickly.

Being Prepared to Get Help in Case of a Pediatric Emergency

Parents should have a few things ready in case they ever need to respond to a pediatric emergency. For example, you should make a list of allergies that your children have. Remember to write down if your kids are allergic to any medications or have had an adverse drug reaction to any types of drugs they have taken. Kids could also be allergic to things like the dye that is used in CT scans or to latex in medical gloves. Having a list of allergies written down lets you provide this information to care providers. It also ensures that you will not forget anything important in the heat of the moment. If you are not home when kids get sick or hurt and a babysitter or relative needs to take your kids to the ER in case of a pediatric emergency, this list will be invaluable.

Other Ways to be Prepared for a Pediatric Emergency

In addition to listing allergies that children have, you also need to make a list of current medications that your kids are taking. These medications could interact badly with drugs or treatments that the ER may consider to tread your child’s current illness. Having a list in advance ensures that your child is not administered any drugs that could cause an adverse drug interaction.  Having your insurance card available can also be beneficial in case of an emergency, so you should keep your insurance card along with the list of allergies and drugs together in one place.

Responding to a Pediatric Emergency

If your child has a pediatric emergency, you and your son or daughter will benefit from your advanced preparations. Get your information together today! It’s impossible to foresee when a problem will arise. If an issue does occur, Highland Park Emergency Room in Dallas are prepared to help.

How to Know if You Have a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Paper with urinary tract infection and pills.A urinary tract infection, or UTI, is a very common condition that people get. In fact, UTIs are the second most common infection type that people come down with.  They can occur anywhere in the urinary tract, and it could be caused by fungus, by a virus, or by bacteria. Bacteria is the most common cause of urinary tract infections.  You will need to see a doctor if you suspect you have contracted one, whether bacteria or another pathogen is the cause of it. Highland Park Emergency Room provide diagnostic care and treatment for not only UTIs, but other major and minor emergencies as well.

Determining if You Have a Urinary Tract Infection

Symptoms of a urinary tract infection can vary from person to person. In general, however, some of the common red flags that could suggest you might have a UTI include:

  • a strong urge to urinate which often results in passing only a small amount
  • a burning feeling during urination
  • passing urine that looks cloudy, red, pink, or the color of coke

When women come down with it, they frequently feel pelvic pain in the area located around the public bone.  Both men and women with a UTI usually have urine which smells very strongly.  Young man doctor  holding a urine and blood sample for urinary tract infection diagnosis

Getting Treatment Help for a Urinary Tract Infection

Many adults discount the symptoms or treat those symptoms as something else.  You need to get a diagnosis and make sure you treat a UTI before the infection spreads and complications arise. Treatment is usually possible with antibiotics and you can get fast relief from symptoms as well as making sure you don’t experience further health issues. Contact us today or visit Highland Park Emergency Room for help treating this issue before it gets worse. We’re here to help.

Broken or Sprained- How an Xray Can Tell

doctor reading xray

If you’re injured and aren’t sure if you’ve broken a bone or just suffered a sprain, you need to get an Xray. An Xray makes it possible to look inside of the body to see if the bone is fractured or if the bone is intact. If you are in Dallas and want an accurate diagnosis of a broken bone, you can get an Xray done at Highland Park Emergency Room. You should get this testing done as soon as possible to find out if you need a cast because if the bone starts to heal on its own and does not heal correctly, it could need to be re-broken to be set.

How Does an XRAY Diagnose a Broken Bone?

Xrays must be performed by trained radiologists. You will be positioned by the radiologist so the correct pictures can be taken.  Only the soft tissue- like organs and skin- allow the Xray beams to pass through.   The denser materials, like the bones of the body, absorb the radiation that is being doctor and older man looking over xrayprojected in the thin beam.  The film is developed and it is easy to see where the beam passed through. The solid areas where it did not pass through are the bone structure, so the doctor can see where the bones are and whether they are broken. Broken bones should be set as soon as possible so the bone can begin healing in the correct position.

Getting An Accurate Diagnosis for a Fracture or Sprain

Highland Park Emergency Room both have diagnostic imaging technology and trained radiologists on staff. All of our physicians and nurses are emergency board certified, guaranteeing that they are ready for any and all emergencies. Visit these ERs if you suspect you may have a fracture so you can get the diagnosis you need, or contact us for more information today.